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by 지나파크 2015. 5. 3.
When i speak up about Gender issue, there are GIRL's saying to me, you dont know/understand about love cuz you are not meeting someone at the moment. (means you are not the right person? maybe) HEY. This is about RIGHT, not reality or situation. I know people go crazy in relationships. This is emotional part, which is a weakness of human being, but also is the Blessing by GOD. Put your feet on the reality or embrace others who are living in a reality. 연애하는 애들은 연애 못하는 애들을 이렇게 대한다. 니가 뭘 알겠어? 이런 shit-y judgement is made easily by girls, very disgusting because, even human beings are able to understand what they've never experienced, (That's why we can empathy to the others who are suffering from hunger, poverty, deep sorrow, lost, etc) AND LOVE has all kinds in the world, AND even there are people who never had a relations, anyway it doesn't mean they don't know how to love people-the love which GOD meant (I believe so), At LEAST, IGNORING/Scoring is the worst thing that people can do. If president Obama said to beggar, you don't know about the taste of power, so you won't get it forever. how ugly it is. What the hell. 진짜 별꼴임. 
I don't really wanna say....... YOU DON'T KNOW AS WELL! but it can be truth. People might don't know the all things about love even when you are in relationship. Because it really depends on PEOPLE's personality, mind, emotions, situations, histories. .I had it, but it is still difficult to define what that is and how i feel about, and where my all kinds of emotions come from, IT WAS JUST ARROGANT MIND ON THE OTHERS, which is contemptible

For me, the best way is to find the truth from his saying in the bible. 

바울은 에베소서 5장을 통하여 하나님께서 만드신 결혼이라는 제도가 어떤 모습이어야 하며 그 제도 안에 있는 사람들이 어떠한 자세로 살아야 하는지를 말하고 있습니다22절은 보면 아내들이여 자기 남편에게 복종하기를 주께 하듯 하라 이 본문의 헬라어 원문에는 복종하라는 말이 없습니다정확히 말하자면 복종하기를 이라는 단어가 없다는 것입니다.그냥 아내들이여 자기 남편에게 그 주님과 같게 라고 말하고 있을 뿐입니다이 구절에는 분명하게 복종이라는 단어는 없습니다그런데도 복종하라는 단어를 집어 넣어 번역을 한 것은 문맥상 문장을 매끄럽게 하기 위해서입니다복종하라는 말은 21절과 22절이 한 문맥이며 하나라는 사실을 가르쳐 줍니다21절에 그리스도를 경외함으로 피차 복종하라 라고 말씀하고 있는데 이 연장 선상에서 아내가 남편에게 복종하라고 요구하는 것입니다.피차란 서로 간에라는 말입니다모든 신자들은 서로 간에 상호 존중하며 서로 높이며 서로에게 복종해야 하는 것입니다누가 누구를 지배하려고 하거나 위에 서려고 다투면 안 되는 존재입니다이것이 가능한 것은 18절의 성령의 충만함이 근거가 됩니다.

Second. When i talk about good news, First words are hardly to be "Congratulations", instead, people are saying about bad things or comforting words for themselves(not to me?) that there are a lot of crimes, incidents against that news. So i assume people like to hear tragedy more than good news. 인간은 몹시, 매우 이기적인 존재임을 인정하자. 거울로 보며 반성. 

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